Code of the Week #9: tolerance 1e-06
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接 Code of the Week #8: solver PCG,这一次来讲讲容差的设置。这个设置位于 system/fvSolution
solvers // 求解矩阵的算法设置
p // 求解变量 p
solver PCG; // 求解的方法,preconditioned conjugate gradient
preconditioner DIC; // 预处理方法,
tolerance 1e-06;// 绝对误差
relTol 0.1; // 相对误差
在 OpenFOAM 里面,误差 (tolerance) 分为两种,一种是绝对误差 (tolerance),一种是相对误差 (relTol)。如上的一段示例设置表示:收敛的条件是,绝对残差小于 1e-6,相对残差小于 0.1。以下解释设未知量为 $x$ ,需要求解的方程是 $Ax=b$
绝对残差: 当前步的残差 $\delta^{n}$ , $\delta^{n} =Ax^{n+1} - b$ , 归一化因子 $u$ , $u = \sum \left({|Ax - A\bar{x}}|+ |{b - A\bar{x}} |\right)$ , $\bar x$ 为 $x$ 的平均值。 归一化后的残差表达式为 $$ \delta^n_u = \frac{1}{u} \sum |b-Ax| $$ 需要注意的是,计算的方法可能跟 solver 有关系,不同的 solver 可能计算有差别。但是总体方法是一致的。 相对残差: 当前步的残差与第一步残差的比值, $\delta_u^n\%=\dfrac{||\delta_u^n||}{||\delta_u^0||}$ 。
通过上述的条件设定,收敛的条件就是 $$ ||\delta^{n}_u|| \leqslant \text{tolerance} $$ 或 $$ ||\delta^{n}_u\%|| \leqslant \text{relTol} $$ 如果 relTol 设置为 0 ,则强制执行 tolerance 设定的条件。
以矩阵求解器 CG (位于 src/lduSolvers/lduSolver/cgSolver.C
) 为例,其 solve 函数为(暂不对程序做详细注解):
Foam::lduSolverPerformance Foam::cgSolver::solve
scalarField& x,
const scalarField& b,
const direction cmpt
) const
// Prepare solver performance
lduSolverPerformance solverPerf(typeName, fieldName());
scalarField wA(x.size());
scalarField rA(x.size());
// Calculate initial residual
matrix_.Amul(wA, x, coupleBouCoeffs_, interfaces_, cmpt);
// Use rA as scratch space when calculating the normalisation factor
scalar normFactor = this->normFactor(x, b, wA, rA, cmpt); // 归一化因子
if (lduMatrix::debug >= 2)
Info<< " Normalisation factor = " << normFactor << endl;
// Calculate residual
forAll (rA, i)
rA[i] = b[i] - wA[i];
solverPerf.initialResidual() = gSumMag(rA)/normFactor; // 进行归一操作
solverPerf.finalResidual() = solverPerf.initialResidual();
if (!stop(solverPerf))
scalar rho = matrix_.great_;
scalar rhoOld = rho;
scalar alpha, beta, wApA;
scalarField pA(x.size(), 0);
rhoOld = rho;
// Execute preconditioning
preconPtr_->precondition(wA, rA, cmpt);
// Update search directions
rho = gSumProd(wA, rA);
beta = rho/rhoOld;
forAll (pA, i)
pA[i] = wA[i] + beta*pA[i];
// Update preconditioned residual
matrix_.Amul(wA, pA, coupleBouCoeffs_, interfaces_, cmpt);
wApA = gSumProd(wA, pA);
// Check for singularity
if (solverPerf.checkSingularity(mag(wApA)/normFactor))
// Update preconditioned residual
matrix_.Amul(wA, pA, coupleBouCoeffs_, interfaces_, cmpt);
wApA = gSumProd(wA, pA);
// Check for singularity
if (solverPerf.checkSingularity(mag(wApA)/normFactor))
// Update solution and residual
alpha = rho/wApA;
forAll (x, i)
x[i] += alpha*pA[i];
forAll (rA, i)
rA[i] -= alpha*wA[i];
solverPerf.finalResidual() = gSumMag(rA)/normFactor; // 进行归一操作
} while (!stop(solverPerf));
return solverPerf;
归一化因子的计算位于 src/foam/matrices/lduMatrix/lduMatrix/lduMatrixSolve.C
Foam::scalar Foam::lduMatrix::solver::normFactor
const scalarField& x,
const scalarField& b,
const scalarField& Ax,
scalarField& tmpField,
const direction cmpt
) const
// Calculate A dot reference value of x
// matrix_.sumA(tmpField, coupleBouCoeffs_, interfaces_);
// tmpField *= gAverage(x);
// Calculate normalisation factor using full multiplication
// with mean value. HJ, 5/Nov/2007
scalarField xRef(x.size(), gAverage(x));
// Eliminated equations are removed from residual normalisation
if (!matrix_.eliminatedEqns().empty())
labelList elim = matrix_.eliminatedEqns().toc();
forAll (elim, elimI)
// Set the value of xRef to be identical to the value of x
// to eliminate the residual
xRef[elim[elimI]] = x[elim[elimI]];
return gSum(mag(Ax - tmpField) + mag(b - tmpField)) + matrix_.small_;
// At convergence this simpler method is equivalent to the above
// return 2*gSumMag(b) + matrix_.small_;
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